Our prologue scene is about our favorite opposite commentator duo. They are commenting on the other match going on this day.
Remember, this is the schedule for the interhigh.
Day 1 – Side A Block A Elimination Match [Shindouji is here]
Day 2 – Side A Block B Elimination Match [Achiga is here]
Day 3 – Side B Block C Elimination Match [ This is the day wherein Hisa brought a school down to zero, not needing Nodoka and Saki to play. This is also the day where we saw Hiroe trap someone in playing toward her yakuman. Miyamori is also having a match on this day as well.]
Day 4 – Side B Block D Elimination Match
Day 5 – Side A Quarterfinals [ Shindouji vs Shiraitodai happened of screen. At the same time with Senriyama vs. Achiga.]
Day 6 – Side B Quarterfinals [ We are here. Kiyosumi vs. Eisui vs. Himematsu vs. Miyamori. And now thanks to our helpful commentator, we know that Rinkai vs. Uzusan vs. Yamasu is happening at the same time. ]
Its interesting to note that Rinkai is leading for the first two players. So we can probably surmise that they have strong players at the front.
…. Or their opponent is weak. Who knows? *whistles*
Is this some sort of private lunch area for the pros? Hmmm….
Anyway, while Kokaji and Kouko is having lunch, Fujita and the coach from Kazekoshi appeared. They’re interaction reveals a few clues.
First, Fujita and Kokaji know each other well. Not surprising since the two of them is featured in mahjong cards in-universe. And if those work the same way as basketball cards, they must be prominent players. Thus, its easy to assume that they must have played quite a lot of times.
…. I just wished that Akasaka (Himematsu’s sub-coach) delayed her arrival and allowed Fujita to finish what she was about to say.
…. Who am I kidding, its probably about the future tournaments that they keep namedropping.
Anyway, the next thing that is notable is the fact that Fujita and Kazekoshi’s coach seemed to want to avoid Ikuno Akasaka.
That is the second time that Ikuno seemed to have left a negative impression on someone. First is of course from Kyouko (her team’s strategist). I wonder what is up with that. lol
Its official all pros are weird.
Kainou-pro is the cousin of Eisui’s third player, Haru Takimi.
… Wait.
I know that Eisui’s current team is made up of Jindai’s branch family. If Takimi and Kainou-pro is related. Does this mean she’s part of Jindai’s branch family?
I suppose the chance is 50/50. This bears investigating.
In Miyamori’s resting room, Aislinn is taking her loss hard.
Her teammates comfort her, saying that they’ll make up for it.
This is one of the reason I like Saki, every team is likable. There’s no team that is truly “EVIL” TM.
I’m beginning to think teams from Osaka are big eaters.
I was curious and researched it a bit.
The food thing is apparently a big specialty for people in Osaka. Its called “KONAMON”. Kona means flour and mono means thing. Konamon means any food made with flour.
Example include: Takoyaki (octopus dumpling), Okonomiyaki (pan-fried batter cake) and Ikayaki (Flour coated grilled squid).
Now, look at Himematsu’s lunch menu. ^^
We also have s small scene with Kei’s crew and most importantly some backstory shedding light on Fujiwara Rise. Someone that will undoubtedly become important in the Individuals.
Fujiwara seemed to have a nice rivalry going with Jindai.
… I swear Jindai seemed to have a nice harem going on. First, with all her team. Now, with Fujiwara Rise. lol
… And awww…. Jindai is still asleep. ^^
Thus, Team Eisui chose to forego lunch and just eat after the match when Jindai is presumably awake.
And on our team, Hisa is pumped and raring to go. She even made a checklist. Even if its a tad weird.
- Banana and Milk – I suppose this is a callback to Hisa’s advice on Nodoka on prefecture tournament. I really wonder what weird commercials is she watching.
- Toilet? -This on the checklist is probably useful for Saki.
- Eyewash?
- Cold Compress?
… Ok.
Anyway, beside the assorted weirdness, seeing Hisa visibly excited is quite weird. She usually likes to play it cool even if she’s inwardly burning inside.
It almost seemed like she’s overcompensating about something.
I really liked the journey of Hisa toward the stage where the match is held. Her movements seemed to be too fast and stilty, not fluid. And when she entered the door, the camera angle makes it seems that the walls are moving.
Then, this shot showing how little Hisa is compared to the stage- the nationals.
The animators really did a good job of showing how overwhelmed Hisa is.
This looks like a metaphor for the ground trying to swallow you up. ^^
Hisa literally freezes.
She hasn’t even noticed time passing her by. Until her opponents arrived.
This has been a plot thread since we stepped in the Nationals, but Hisa hasn’t been acting Hisa-like.
She’s also busy worrying about everyone that she might have forgotten taking her of the one that need it the most- herself. Beside that, as we see in her imagination sequence she seemed to have allowed the expectations and support to weigh her down.
Hisa is so pressured that she has been making easy mistakes like exposing a tile to her opponent.
Hiroe is really a schemer.
Remember the 6 of circles complete either this set of wait.
4-5 or 7-8
Thus, if 6 of circles is unneeded by the opponents in theory they also won’t need the 3 of circles or 9 of circles.
By making a big deal of not wanting the six of circles, Hiroe lured people on discarding the 3 of circles, its suji pair. It probably worked better since Hiroe know that Hisa is nervous. And people have a habit of clamming up/being defensive or sticking to safe and tried things when they are at that state.
And Hisa is getting really intimidated.
In some ways, I think that Hisa is trying too much for her team. She feels that she must bank points. And every single time she failed to so instead losing points drive her mentality further.
Plus, there is the fact that this is her last chance.
This are the last few games she can play in High school. Its no wonder Hisa is feeling pressurized.
Sometimes, its really when you can’t afford to make any mistakes that you make all the mistakes that you can possibly make because your too nervous for anything else.
Thankfully, Hisa gots her groove back!
Pop quiz which tile should you discard?
- The six of characters?
- The seven of characters?
- The red five of characters?
If you picked the six of characters. Congratulation on being a paragon of logic like Nodoka. The six of characters gives a possible iiepeiko and keeps the red dora.
If you picked the seven of characters. You do get a possible yakuhai. Though since we know that one of the east wind is already discarded… this is not as optimal as the six of characters But, you do keep the red five as well.
If you picked the red five?
Congratulations on being Saki! I meant genre savvy. If Hiroe dropped the East Wind, Hisa will be getting the yakuhai yaku as well as an extra dora. But, anyway Hiroe didn’t do that. Good thing your other wait is the next one you draw. ^^
We get a flashback of Eisui. This time about Haru.
Her power seems to be related to sensing. She can feel if her opponent will have an expensive hand.
And some more exposition. The rest of the Eisui team beside Jindai are third years which meant that they are Haru’s senpai. Jindai on the other hand is their princess. Thus, perhaps, Haru feels a bit out of place.
Well, not surprising that there is some stratification on Eisui. I think the branch houses clued as well enough.
Anyway, while playing mahjong Haru feels that this barrier breaks and they’re just friends. Not senpai and kohai.
A 4 sided wait if I’m looking at it right. (Three of bamboo, six of bamboo, eight of bamboo and nine of bamboo)
Its a pity that Eisui and Kurumi conspired against each other to stop it. Haru making an obvious and cheap hand so that Kurumi can ron.
And Hisa’s chick magnetism strike again! Making stoic Haru smile to the surprise of her teammates.
I think its adorable how supportive Kana is of Kiyosumi. How worried she is. And still retain her decidely negative opinion of Hisa. No doubt born of their love rivalry.
Just kidding. ^^
Hiroe is a gluton for praise, huh?
And ooh! foreshadowing. The captain match is full of monsters! (What else is new?) lol
Though, Kyouko herself seems to indicate that she is normal.
Anyway, next time is the continuation of the match!