Saki Zenkoku Episode 8.5 – The Devil’s Gate Opens (Vice captain Second Hanchan)

Its time for the second hanchan of the Vice-Captain Match. And things are getting intense!

If you guys noticed the seating is different this time. For one thing, Nodoka is the dealer when Hatsumi is in the North. 

uh- oh. What then will our valiant heroine do?

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Hatsumi (Rock) vs. Sae (Paper) vs. Nodoka (Scissor)

This is a companion to my episode review for the Vice-Captain Match. Just to balance it out.

I have a feeling that people are seriously overestimating Hatsumi. There is this thought that without Sae there, she would seriously lopside the score. And while, I have fun with the hypothetical potential scores and hyping her up in my recent post (yakuman user are fun) ^^

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Saki Episode 8 – Fortress

The episode starts with Hatsumi on the north seat.

Which as explained in the show with Sae and Granny is very very bad news. When she is seated there, Hatsumi gets the north and east tiles very easily. And once, she called a set of those tiles, the south and west is drawn as well.

That means she can trivially aim for Daisuushii (Big Four Winds) and Shousuushi (Little Four Winds).  Yikes.

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